Creating pipelines in Airflow

To create a pipeline in Apache Airflow, one would use DAGs for Data Orchestration and Operators for actual data wrangling.

For consulting, check the book Data Pipeline with Airflow, from Bas Harenslak and Julian de Ruiter.


Airflow uses DAGs to represent pipelines. It defines them using Python code. The DAG code is responsible only for orchestrating a pipeline.

For best practices, if using other python code for the pipeline, abstract all operations into modules and then just import them into the DAG code. This way the DAG file is left only for scheduling.

Take for example a basic DAG structure:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow import DAG
default_args = {
    "owner": "lucas",
    "start_date": datetime(2024, 2, 25),
    "retries": 2,
    "retry_delay": timedelta(minutes=1),
with DAG(
) as dag:
	# Do something here


An Operator is a template for a predefined task. There are A LOT of operators available and built-in. Some popular ones are:

  • BashOperator

Executes a bash terminal command.

  • PythonOperator

Runs a given python function that may do whatever you see fit.

  • EmailOperator

Sends as email.