What is it?

Containerization is the act of creating a self-contained box for your application, ensuring it runs consistently regardless of the environment it’s used in. In other words, it’s putting an existing application in Containers.

Creating containers with Docker

Docker is the most popular containerization tool available. Docker uses a code abstraction called Dockerfile to build images. The image is the snapshot of the container.

Given an example Dockerfile, which uses a slimmed Debian image, with Python already installed, copies all code to a new directory and runs it:

FROM python:3.11-slim
WORKDIR /NewFolder
COPY requirements.txt .
COPY main.py /main.py
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", "main.py"]

To build the image, one only needs to run in a terminal:

docker build -t <container_name> ./

And after the image is built, you can spin up the container:

docker run <container_name>