
Classes are the blueprint of an object, defining its data, properties, and functionality. A class is also a custom type inside C-Sharp. A class template lies below:

<access modifier> class Class_Name
    // Class members
    string;  // Field
    int;  // Field
    public void Method(parameters) // Method
        // Do something here


Constructors are called to instantiate an object passing initial values to the instance, using the new() method. It’s possible to use the default C# constructor or create a custom one inside a class.

A constructor is declared as a method inside the class, with the same name as its class, without a return type (not even void). It’s also possible to overload a constructor, changing its parameters.

internal class Person
    public string? name;
    public string? job;
    public int age;
    public bool isMarried;
    public Person() { } // Default constructor, fields are null.
    public Person(string name, string job, int age, bool isMarried)
    { = name; // Use "this." for referencing the class variable.
        this.job = job;
        this.age = age;
        this.isMarried = isMarried;
    public void Greet()
        Console.WriteLine($"Hi, I am {name}");

To instantiate the object, the compiler will match the right constructor depending on the arguments passed.

Person Lucas = new("Lucas", "Data Scientist", 21, false);
Lucas.Greet(); // Returns "Hi, I am Lucas"

One could also use a primary constructor, introduced in C# 12.

internal class Person(string name, string? job, int age, bool isMarried)
    public string? Name { get; set; } = name;
    public string? Job { get; set; } = job;
    public int Age { get; set; } = age;
    public bool IsMarried { get; set; } = isMarried;
    public void Greet()
        Console.WriteLine($"Hi, I am {Name}");

By convention, use Auto Properties , like the get and set keywords, for encapsulating or setting fields after instantiation.


The enum keyword creates Enumerations, which is used to store a set of named numeric constants variables. By default, they start from 0, incrementing by each member, even though it’s possible to assign a custom value.

// Changing the Person class to acomodate job as a enum type.
public enum DataRole  // Enum object definition.
    DataAnalyst, DataScientist, DataEnginner, MLEnginner
internal class Person
    public string? name;
    public DataRole job;  // Change from string type to DataRole type.
    public int age;
    public bool isMarried;
    public Person() { }
	// Changed constructor to accomodate DataRole.
    public Person(string name, DataRole job, int age, bool isMarried)
    {  = name;
        this.job = job;
        this.age = age;
        this.isMarried = isMarried;
    public void Greet()  // Added DataRole field job.
        Console.WriteLine($"Hi, I am {name} and I work as {job}.");
Person Lucas = new("Lucas", DataRole.DataScientist, 21, false);
Lucas.Greet(); // Returns "Hi, I am Lucas and I work as DataScientist."

It’s also possible to assign the value of a member, get the string and index value of a member, check if a string is defined by an enum object and finally, calling the member based on its value.

public enum DataRole
{  // Assigning value to a member.
    DataAnalyst, // 0
    DataScientist, // 1
    DataEnginner = 5,
    MLEnginner // 6
// Getting "index" and "string" value from member.
Console.WriteLine((int)DataRole.DataEnginner); // Returns 5.
string myString = DataRole.MLEnginner.ToString();
Console.WriteLine(myString); // Returns "MLEnginner".
// Checking if string is defined by enum object.
	Enum.IsDefined(typeof(DataRole), "DataScientist")); // Returns true.
// Get member based on its value.
Console.WriteLine((DataRole)5); // Returns "DataEnginner"


Similar to how classes are the blueprint of an object, structs are the blueprint of a custom data structure. Structs are similar to classes, but its data is stored as value instead of reference (like classes), which make them more lightweight. Actually, a struct is a value type in itself.

Additionally, structs can declare constructors, fields and methods, implementing an interface. However, unlike classes, they can’t inherit or serve as base to another struct.

// Let's refactor the Person class to be struct Persona.
internal struct Persona(string name, DataRole job, int age, bool isMarried)
    public string? name;
    public DataRole job;
    public int age;
    public bool isMarried;
    public void Greet()
        Console.WriteLine($"Hi, I am {name} and I work as {job}.");
// Declare struct object and initialize variables.
// Without constructor.
Persona Ana; = "Ana";
Ana.age = 22;
Ana.job = DataRole.DataAnalyst;
Ana.isMarried = false;
Ana.Greet(); // Returns "Hi, I am Ana and I work as DataAnalyst".
// Using constructor.
Persona Luis = new("Luis", DataRole.DataAnalyst, 20, false); 


Introduced in C# 9, records are reference types, very similar to classes, but they excel at encapsulating data. They are intended for storing immutable data and typically used to define simple data structures. Records are ideal for read-only tasks, once the data cannot be changed after instantiated. While it’s possible to define methods, it’s not in a record use-case.

public record Person(string firstName, string lastName);
Person person1 = new("Mike", "Kinsella");
// Trying to change a field after instantiation.
person1.lastName = "Jackson"; // Raises an error.

They also have value-based equality, whereas classes have memory-based. This translates to records being treated as equal if they present the same values, even if they’re not pointing to the same object in memory.

Person person1 = new("Mike", "Kinsella");
Person person2 = new("Mike", "Dirnt");
if (person1 != person2) // True
	Console.WriteLine("They are different people!"); 
// Create a new record based on a existing one.
// Use with to change a property.
Person person3 = person2 with {lastName = "Kinsella"};
if (person1 == person3) // True, even if they are different objects.
	Console.WriteLine("They cloned Owen!!");


Interfaces are “blueprints” of a class, specifying the only required methods, properties, and parameters, widely used when implementing polymorphism. When creating a class using an interface, the compiler will ensure it follows every requirement from the interface.

internal interface IPersona
    string Name { get; set; }
    int Age { get; set; }
    void Greet();

Now, every class that inherits from the interface should define the properties and methods presented above.