What is it?

Quick sort is a sorting algorithm, based on the principle of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm, which splits the original problem to smaller sub-problems easier to calculate. In Big-O Notation, it runs in .

How does it work?

The algorithm makes use of a pivot and classify values as lower or higher than the pivot, placing them on the left or right, respectively. This is done recursively, until every group is split, making almost every value being a pivot, at some point.

The pivot is normally chosen as the first or the last value of the array. This can also differ depending if sorting ascending or descending.

public class QuickSort : ISortAlgorithm
	// Public method for sorting.
	public List<int> Sort(List<int> Data)
		Conquer(ref Data, 0, Data.Count - 1);
		return Data;
	internal int Divide(List<int> Data, int Start, int End)
		// Running in ascending, pivot is the last value.
		int pivotValue = Data[End];
		// Index used to store which index should be swapped.
		int index = Start - 1;
		for (int i = Start; i <= End - 1; i++)
			if (Data[i] < pivotValue)
				Data = HelperMethods.Swap(Data, i, index);		
		// Changes pivot place.
		Data = HelperMethods.Swap(Data, index + 1, End);
		// Returning the next pivot index.
		return index + 1;
	// Recursive method. Attention: data is passed by reference, not as parameter.
	internal void Conquer(ref List<int> Data, int Start, int End)
		if (Start < End)
			int index = Divide(Data, Start, End);
			Conquer(ref Data, Start, index - 1);
			Conquer(ref Data, index + 1, End);