What is it?

Merge sort is a sorting algorithm, based on the principle of the Divide and Conquer Algorithm, which splits the original problem to smaller sub-problems easier to calculate. It works by recursively splitting the dataset to unit elements, and merging them backing together, sorting in the way. This makes it run in , in Big-O Notation.

How does it work?

Given a numerical array the algorithm starts recursively dividing the array in half, until only single parts remains. Then it starts to merge each part, swapping elements in order, if necessary. This is done until the whole Arrays is merged together and sorted.

public class MergeSort : ISortAlgorithm
	// Compliance to ISortAlgorithm interface
	public List<int> Sort(List<int> Data) => Divide(Data);
	// Splits the array into two sub-arrays recursively, leftList and rightList.
	internal List<int> Divide(List<int> Data)
		// If list has no data points, return itself.
		if (Data.Count <= 1)
			return Data;
		int middlePosition = HelperMethods.GetMiddlePosition(Data);
		// Divides list in half, to left list and right list.
		List<int> leftList = Data.GetRange(0, middlePosition);
		List<int> rightList = Data.GetRange(middlePosition, Data.Count - middlePosition);
		leftList = Divide(leftList);
		rightList = Divide(rightList);
		// Merges lists into one, sorting in the way.
		return Conquer(leftList, rightList);
	// The actual sorting. Get each smaller subarray and sort step-by-step.
	internal List<int> Conquer(List<int> LeftList, List<int> RightList)
		List<int> resultList = [];
		// While one of the lists still has data points.
		// Only stops when all values have been transfered to resultList.
		while (LeftList.Count > 0 || RightList.Count > 0)
			// Get first value from each list. If no value, returns null.
			int leftValue = LeftList.FirstOrDefault();
			int rightValue = RightList.FirstOrDefault();
			// If both lists have data points.
			if (LeftList.Count > 0 && RightList.Count > 0)
				// If left value is lower, add to result list and remove from original list.
				if (leftValue <= rightValue)
				// If right value is lower, add to result list and remove from original list.
			// If just left list has data points.
			if (LeftList.Count > 0 && RightList.Count == 0)
			// If just right list has data points.
			if (LeftList.Count == 0 && RightList.Count > 0)
		return resultList;