CSS selectors are used to specify HTML elements to apply CSS styles. There are a multitude of different selection methods offered by CSS.

Universal selector

The universal selector * applies the style to all elements, regardless of the tags, present in the document. This may be used to set the default properties of a web page, for example fonts and background colors.

* {
	text-align: center;
	color: red;

Element selector

The element selector <element> applies the style only to the elements with corresponding tags. For example, if specified the <p> element, all <p> elements will be stylized.

p {
	text-align: center;
	color: red;

Id selector

The id selector #id-name applies the style only to the element with corresponding id. Because in HTML each element has his own unique id, the style will be applied only to a specific element.

		#element-id {
			text-align: center;
			color: red;
	<h1 id="element-id">
		Hello World!

Class selector

The class selector .class applies the style only to the elements from a specific class. You can define the class as an attribute of the element, and specify it from CSS.

		.right-align {
			text-align: right;
		.violet {
	<!-- You can combine multiple classes simultaneously -->
	<h1 class="right-align violet">
		Hello World!