What is it?

A outlier is basically a data point that doesn’t fit the dataset distribution and/ or differs significantly from other data points. It may have different meanings depending of the context.

Defining an outlier depends on the context

For example, in a facial recognition dataset, a dog picture can be determined as an outlier, but this rule would be incomprehensible for a normally distributed random variable.

Outliers can be caused by measurement errors, bad data collection, malicious inputs and rare events.

Effects of outliers

Outliers can cause issues during model training, adding unrealistic bias, specially with algorithms like SVMs and K-Means, distorting decision boundaries. It can also cause bad results in both data and statistical analysis. This is caused by an effect known as Distribution Shift.

A single outlier can distort the mean of an entire sample. For example, when Michael Jordan graduated from his Geography degree, the average starting salary in his college became $250.000, which is unrealistic, but Jordan’s salary was in fact skewing the mean.

Identifying outliers

Outlier Detection can be done in a lot of different ways, using simple statistical methods like Tukey’s Fence, Machine Learning algorithms like Isolation Forest, and so on.