What is it?

Confident Learning, CL, for short, is a framework of methods of Data-Centric AI to systematically find inaccurate data in a dataset for a Classification and Supervised Learning problem. It also can be used for LLMs, Neural Networks and traditional Machine Learning. It searches and find label errors in the dataset and then clean the noisy labels, providing better training data for your actual model.

The presumption of class-conditional noise

Confident Learning assumes class-conditional label noise. Basically, given a class in a classification problem, after the model was trained you are evaluating the performance, you don’t need really to inspect the data itself, because the class-conditional noise depends on the class itself, not the data. So if a model always misses fox, mistaking it for dog, it doesn’t really matter how the fox looks, because the nature of the data of this two classes (foxes and dogs does, in fact, look similar) will imply in a class-conditional noise.

Another great example is the issue about distinguishing arachnids. The overall body, shape, and appearance of spiders, ticks, and scorpions are very similar.

Examples guessed as tick by ImageNet, but are different insects. Courtesy of labelerrors.com.

Some methods to solve the above problem:

In a Model-Centric traditional method, you could:
  • Change and optimize the Loss Function;
  • Reweight classes based on importance;
  • Use another model to predict the error of the main model.
But in DCAI, you could use Confident Learning to:
  • Changing the training data itself;
  • Finding label errors and ranking them;
  • Estimate the joint distribution of observed noisy labels and true labels;
  • Training a new model without noisy labels, on a cleaner dataset.

How does it work?

Generate the joint distribution

  1. Before applying CL to any model, it should already be trained, preferably using cross-validation to produce out-of-sample predicted probabilities.

  2. It’s established a threshold (which is the model self-confidence for a class, calculated by the average predicted probability of said class) for how much the model is confident of a prediction for each possible class.

  3. When a data point predicted probability is greater than the per-class threshold, it’s counted as belonging to the threshold’s class. This will be done to all data points.

  4. This count generates a matrix that will have a (N_class, N_class) shape, like the one below, to the left.

  5. Estimate the joint distribution on a matrix containing True Labels and Noisy Labels, like the below, to the right (which is just the percentage of the left one).

Ctrue as T, noisy as NT, dogT, foxT, cowQ T, NT, dogT, foxT, cow
N, dog1004020N, dog0.250.10.05
N, fox56600N, fox0.140.150
N,** cow**321280N, cow0.080.030.2

Find label errors

Simply put, using the matrix above as an example:

  1. Count the number of estimated label errors in the dataset. This would be the sum of the off-diagonal values. Now you can estimate the percentage of label errors for the entire dataset.

  2. Multiply the matrix by 100 and divide by a scalar representing the total number of samples (for example, there are 10 images of foxes labeled as dogs).

  3. Rank all data points true-labeled as fox by their predicted probability to pertaining to dog.

  4. Mark the top 10 images with the largest probability of belonging to dog as noisy data, and most probably, discard them.

Now, the dataset it’s cleaner than at the beginning, and will probably wield better results. By using cross-validation, it’s possible to apply this method to the entire dataset with a folding strategy of your liking. That way, you can apply Confident Learning for the entire data.

Code example

All the work mentioned above can -obviously- be done with a custom algorithm built from scratch, but there’s also the cleanlab python package, which supports any classifier based on scikit-learn/ PyTorch/ TensorFlow. cleanlab automate the process in just one simple line of code:

label_issues_index = cl.filter.find_label_issues(data, labels)
df.drop(label_issues_index)  # Clean dataset.
