What is it?

The Central Limit Theorem is a important limit theorem in Statistics and Probability, which creates the base for assuming characteristics from a sample to the entire population, along with the Law of Large Numbers.

The idea is that the sum of a large number of averages is approximately normal, given some assumptions. So for an unknown variable, one could use the central limit theorem to analyze it as a Normal Distribution, which opens up various different methods to apply, like ANOVA.

Assumptions of the theorem

In order to apply the central limit theorem, some conditions must be met:

  • The variable must be i.i.d. - independent and identically distributed.
  • The population’s distribution must have finite variance.
  • Sampling must be random and sufficiently large. The rule of thumb is ,
  • Some statisticians also say that the sample size cannot be greater than 10% of the population.

Applying the theorem

It’s possible to apply the central limit theorem to any variable that comply with the assumptions above. The original distribution of the variable doesn’t really matter as long as it follows the assumptions.

Even though one can apply the central limit theorem conceptually, here’s the step-by-step to get a probability from a Normal Distribution regardless of the original distribution:

  • Write the variable of interest, as the sum of i.i.d variable ’s:
  • Find the expectation and variance , noting that:
&EY = n\mu, \quad Var(Y) = n\sigma^2 \\ &\text{where} \ \ \mu=EX_i, \quad \sigma^2 = Var(X_i) \end{align}$$ - ##### To find $P(y_1 \leq Y \leq y_2)$, one can follow:


&P(y_1 \leq Y \leq y_2) = P\left( \frac{y_1 - n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma} \leq \frac{Y - n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma} \leq \frac{y_2 - n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma} \right) \ & \approx \phi\left(\frac{y_2 - n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma}\right) - \phi\left(\frac{y_1 - n\mu}{\sqrt{n}\sigma}\right) \ \ &\text{where } \phi \text{ is the standard normal CDF.}\ \end{align}

>[!tip] What about $\phi$? > > $\phi$ is normally denoted as the *cumulative distribution function*, or [[CDF]] in short. It gives us the probability that the standard normal variable is less than a value. > It can be easily calculated using [[SciPy]]'s *stats module*. The full method is `scipy.stats.norm.cdf`.