What is it?

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a design pattern used for developing software that divides a program in three connected elements, the model, the view and the controller. This way, the front-end code is separated from the back-end, allowing for efficient parallel development.


The model is a stateless representation of data and business logic. It defines the data structure in the database, and handles any interaction with data sources and APIs. The model also limits what data is allowed to be passed in by the HTTP request, exposing only the data used by the view.


The Controller is a intermediary between the model and the view. It receives requests from the view, interprets it and interact with the model to retrieve data necessary. Once it has processed the data, it instructs the view to update itself accordingly with the processed data.


The view houses the user interface, controlling all visual aspects of the application. The view captures user interaction and input, but all complex logic and processing goes to the controller.