What is it?

Bubble sort is one of the simplest Sorting Algorithms, based in repeatedly swapping pair of elements if they are in the wrong order. It can be applied to both ascending and descending order, just by changing comparison operators. In Big-O Notation, it runs on .

How does it work?

Given a numerical array, the algorithm starts by iterating through the whole array, checking if the current element and the next is out of order and swapping if necessary. For each data point, it iterates through the whole Arrays. This creates an complexity, running through every single data point twice, in a worst-case scenario, making it very slow for large datasets.

One of the benefits of bubble sorting is that because everything is made in place, no additional available memory is required. This is most important for memory-restricted devices, once no additional variable is needed to perform the algorithm.


public class BubbleSort: ISortAlgorithm
    // Passes one time through entire array, swapping any corresponding elements.
    private static List<int> SortUnitIteration(List<int> Data)
        for (int i = 0; i < Data.Count - 1; i++)
            if (Data[i] > Data[i + 1])
                Data = HelperMethods.Swap(Data, i, i + 1);
        return Data;
    // Applies one sorting iteration for each data point.
    public List<int> Sort(List<int> Data)
        for (int n = 0; n < Data.Count; n++)
            List<int> Data = SortUnitIteration(Data);
        return Data;